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Year: 2021

What inspired Edinburgh’s street names?

14th Dec, 2021

The Real Mary King’s Close is not the only street in Edinburgh with an interesting story behind its name. In a city with such a rich history, it’s not surprising that the street names reflect its past. Have you wondered what inspired Edinburgh’s street names while strolling through the city? Read on to find your …


The Burke and Hare murders

5th Nov, 2021

In 1828, Edinburgh was a European centre for studying anatomy. Pioneering anatomy teachers taught at the Royal College of Surgeons and dissected bodies during lectures in front of many eager students. However, the strict laws around which bodies could be used led to a shortage. Burke and Hare found a way to earn money from a desperate anatomist during this crisis in a terrifying chapter of Edinburgh’s history.


Edinburgh’s Old Town and New Town: what is the difference?

26th Oct, 2021

During visits to Edinburgh you have likely passed through the Old Town and the New Town. You might have even wondered why the areas look so different, despite being so close to each other. The answer lies in their history.


Epidemics from 1645 until Now: Old Problems, Same Solutions?

6th Sep, 2021

Earlier this year The Real Mary King’s Close broadcast a live virtual tour filled with interesting findings and acclaimed expertise from our knowledgeable guides and fellow history buffs. One certain history buff, Dr Aaron Allen, a Scottish History Expert from The University of Edinburgh decided to go one step further and compare the Epidemics of 1645 and now, detailing how the same old problems, sometimes require the same old solutions.


The Close During the World Wars

20th Jul, 2021

Read more about an air raid shelter under Edinburgh’s City Chambers, a soldier bear and Mary King’s Close during the First and Second World War.


APRIL FOOLS: Cows Back on The Close

1st Apr, 2021

This was an April Fools: For our grand reopening in May 2021, we’re welcoming real-life cows back to the former cowshed on The Close.


Who Was Mary King?

2nd Feb, 2021

Our namesake was a woman ahead of her time. Her fascinating story tells of power, fine garments, and the naming of a close.

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